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Friday, September 10, 2010

40 weeks and how many minutes???

another day, another dollar, and no wee baby yet - I'm following all your advice ladies, curry, raw pineapple, rasberry leaf tea and lots of walking! I have a feeling this child will be here soon so just trying to stay calm and relaxed. I'm getting contractions yet no real pattern emerging yet - I did get a little sign but the less we say about that the better!!! ;D

Instead, I'll leave you with some pics from todays trip up to the loughcrew cairns - mummy and mitzi were with me for company and support. The fresh air did me good, its such a magical place and always soothes my soul, its hard to believe that these ancient stones are older than the pyramids!

Thanks for all the lovely messages of support!!! Hopefully I'll have good news soon! :)


Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Wow, you brave thing - I didn't venture further than 30 seconds from a toilet/phone/comfy chair for about the last month when I was pregnant; mind you, with the twins I couldn't walk, sit, lie or anything for the last week! I think I was about the size of that huge rock your doggie is standing on!

You are looking so cool and calm, I hope you don't have to wait too much longer xxx

BundlesofBlossoms said...

Oh my gosh, Tanya, you look so darn cute preggo!!!

My ob/gyn finally, on my 42nd week with our middle son, told me and my hubby to get really really lovey dovey and guess what it worked:)

Mitsy / ArtMind said...

Looks like you're ready to pop! LOL ;) Just kidding, Tanya, I hope your baby won't let you wait much longer.
And your dog has the same name as me... well, it's not the only one.
I think there are more animals on this planet named Mitsy (or Mitzi) then humans! LOL :)

All things nice... said...

Oh how exciting, bet you can't wait! What a wonderful place to visit, the views must be magical from there, I love the viewing point along the main road into the town of Oldcastle. Were you not afraid in case you went into labour up there!! Have you lots of names going around in your head or have you one picked already.

All things nice...

Unknown said...

Good luck with the last month!

Demi said...

Wow! You really look so beautiful and amazing!

Wishing you all the best :)

sarah said...

now, there seems to be no fresh news of you waiting, so maybe no news is good news???? it has been 3 days since this post, i am hoping you this little baby is on its way now!!

BundlesofBlossoms said...

Okay, I'm assuming the baby has arrived.

Has anyone heard???

Hoping all went wonderfully, Tanya!!!!

Mrs Flying Blind... said...

Thinking of you Tanya - like many others! Hope it's all good! xx

TanyaMac said...

hey my lovely cheeky people!!! baby's here and we are so happy and well!! ;)